Express Yourself the How Rude Way: Bold and Unfiltered.


  • How much is shipping?

    Shipping is charged at a flat rate of R99.00 nationwide within South Africa. We often issue free shipping coupons or spend more than R500 and get free shipping on your order!

  • What payment methods do you accept?

    We offer secure and trusted checkout using PayFast, as well as the option to pay via manual EFT. Please note when paying via Manual EFT, orders will only be processed once payment has cleared.

  • How long does an order take to be processed and shipped?

    Your order takes between 1 – 3 working days to be processed before shipping as all items for sale are printed to order. We know how excited you are to receive your parcel, so we try to send your parcel as soon as we can. Shipping usually takes 1 – 3 business days.

  • Returns

    Our products are made to order and packaged with love and care, so returns are handled on a case-by-case basis. If you feel a mistake has been made, please contact us with images and we will be happy to work with you on a solution. Send them to us at

  • Damaged In Transit

    If your package is damaged during transit, please document this as best as you can with photos and contact us at so we can assist in resolving this with the courier company. If the product inside is damaged, contact us with your proof of damage, and we can work with you on a resolve from our side.